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The Official Newsletter of the
Shenandoah Valley Chapter #313
Korean War Veterans Association
Paul E. Bombardier,   Editor
October, 2017

 Commander Ray Ewing

With the official year rapidly ending, the nominating committee consisting of Lew Ewing, Jack Kronenberger and Charles Hoak is hard at work trying to fill a number of positions.

He was severely wounded, shot nine times, and all of his bunker mates were killed.  A Navy medic administered a heavy dose of morphine and moved on.  He believes because of the wounds and the morphine the Chinese thought him dead also.

  As you may remember several elected and appointed officials of long standing are not running for another term. They all have served the Chapter long and well, and deserve a break. As Chairman, Lew pointed out at the last meeting the health and welfare of the Chapter depends upon the membership stepping up and taking on leadership roles.

The committee will present a slate of elected officers at the October meeting. They or any others nominated from the floor will be voted on at the November meeting and installed at the December meeting. The Commander with the consent of the Board of Directors will then appoint all other official and committee members by the January meeting.

I am not Uncle Sam on the recruiting poster pointing a finger and saying “I Need You”, but I am saying, “Your Chapter needs You”.

I recently had the privilege of meeting another “real” Korean War veteran and delightful person. He is Randolph Embrey of Rectortown, Va. and a good friend of our own Ollie “Buck” Thompson.  Randolph was a Marine assigned to a forward outpost known as “Reno” where on the night of October 26, 1952 they were overrun by the Chinese.  

Remember !!! Save the Date: Oct 7th .

"HONOR FLIGHT"  Trip to DC Memorials


The Top of Virginia Honor Flight group has re-scheduled the next Honor Flight bus trip to visit the memorials in Washington, D. C.

  Note the new Date. Next trip: Saturday, 7 October, 2017!

  If you have never participated in an Honor Flight, do yourself a favor and plan to go.  At least 20 of our members have gone in the past and everyone will attest as to how great the day is. More information will be forthcoming at the next Chapter meeting.


© 2016-2021 by KWVA - Shenandoah Valley Chapter 313

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