The Official Newsletter of the
Shenandoah Valley Chapter #313
Korean War Veterans Association
Volume 11, Issue 04
Paul E. Bombardier, Editor
April, 2018
Meeting Korean Ambassador Cho.
Pictured below, L-R Front row, Tim Whit-more, Lew Ewing, Ambassador Cho, National KWVA president Tom Stevens, Narce Caliva, and Edward Brooks. Back row, Brig. Gen. Pyo, KWVA Executive director Jim Fisher, Jack Keep, John "Sonny" Edwards, Glenn Wienhoff, and Dave Clark.
about the “Last ship out of Hungnam” where over 100,000 North Koreans were saved and sent to South Korea. Mid-afternoon, we met with Ambassador Cho Joon – je for the better part of an hour. He expressed great gratitude for all the sacrifices and efforts which the Americans gave during the Korean conflict. He asked several of the attendees what they had done during the conflict.

On Friday, March 2nd, Jim Fisher Executive Director of KWVA and a member of Chapter #313 along with Narce Caliva, Jack Keep, Lewis Ewing and David Clark, members of Chapter #313 traveled to Washington, D.C. to join other veterans on an invitation from the new Korean Ambassador Cho Yoon–je to join him and other members of the Embassy for a luncheon. Our visit started with a lengthy discussion with Brig. Gen Pyo about current conditions in Korea, a comparison of the militaries of both South and North Korea. Brig, Gen Pyo answered many questions raised by all who were in attendance. The group was treated to an elaborate Korean style luncheon and afterwards viewed several programs on a video screen. One program was
He heard from a tail gunner of a B -29, who flew over South Korea into North Korea, a medic who stated that he had delivered Korean babies in his line of duty, (the Ambassador said that he had been born in 1925), the medic said he didn’t think he was the one who made the delivery. The last person was a sailor who served on two destroyers, who spoke to how cold it was and the difficulty with ice freezing on the bridge. He discussed the responsibilities of destroyer command, plane guarding, anti-sub screening, supporting ground troops by firing from what was called the bomb line. The day, just reinforced how appreciative the Korean people are for allowing them to have the freedom they now enjoy.