The Official Newsletter of the
Shenandoah Valley Chapter #313
Korean War Veterans Association
Ray Ewing
After a long and cold dreary winter spring is budding out with the promise of renewed life. The more active and demanding events we
all enjoy so much and participate in are quickly approaching. It is so with our chapter’s life as well as it is with our personal lives.
First we had a wreath laying ceremony by The Arts Chorale of Winchester at our Memorial on April 8. This was a very solemn desire on the part this group to pay homage to our fallen comrades and to honor all those who served during that conflict.
Then there was the annual Tell America program at Mercer Middle School on April 13.
On April 22th the Arts Chorale presented a concert at Grace Lutheran Church in Winchester to honor the end of WW I and the Korean War armistice. We were honored guests at that event where we received a standing recognition. A portion of the program features a piece using words written by a Korean Marine veteran of the Chosin reservoir campaign.
And then there is the “Bloom”. Jim Knicely has made all the arrangements for our participation in the Firemen’s Parade on May 4th. Those riding in the parade will assemble at the Armory grounds at 3:00 pm. Lt. Col. Lee of the ROK Embassy Assistant Defense Attaché will join our group and ride in the parade.
Then there are the Memorial Day activities. Those that plan to attend the National Memorial Day parade in DC have already signed up as requested by our national headquarters. Our National Director, Jim Fisher assures me that there will be sufficient vehicles for all those attending to be seated.
There will also be the usual local Memorial Day events that are of interest to us including Stephens City’s Newtown Heritage Festival parade which we will attend. Of course there will be more announcements concerning all these events as they draw nearer.
All of this is to say; Get out of the winter doldrums, spring to life. Meet these renewed opportunities with responsiveness and renewed dedication.