The Official Newsletter of the
Shenandoah Valley Chapter #313
Korean War Veterans Association
Condolences to “Romie” Nickles Family

KWVA Chapter 313 member and US Navy Veteran Romuald N. Nickles “Romie”, 81, of Winchester, Virginia, died Thursday, May 10, 2018, at Blue Ridge Hospice Inpatient Care Center in Winchester, VA.
Born March 26, 1937 in Baltimore, MD; he was the son of Emmanuel and Sabina Sobierajski Nickles. “Romie” was a member of King David Masonic Lodge #68. He retired from Baltimore Gas & Electric as an Instrumentation Technician. He was also a member of a musical duo, the Shenandoah Cats and attended Redland UMC.
“Romie” married Barbara Ann Loizos, May 18, 1982, in Baltimore.
Along with his wife, Barbara, he is survived by two daughters; Renee Sabina McWilliams (Jim) of Abingdon, MD, and Michelle Lynn McWilliams (John) also of Abingdon; two step children; Ann Marie Gingher (Anthony) of Baltimore and Robert George Gingher (Stephanie) of Atlanta, GA and two grandchildren, Gillian and Maxwell Gingher. A funeral service was held at 3:00 p.m. on Saturday, May 12, 2018 at the Jones Funeral Home with Rev. Anthony Brock officiating.
A private burial will be held at a later date.
Korean War Veterans’ Advocate Hannah Kim to visit Winchester Korean Veterans Memorial on July 24th.

Hannah Y Kim, a woman with a mission, will visit the Korean War Memorial at Jim Barnett Park in Winchester, VA on July 24th, and will present a commemorative wreath. This is part of an ambitious three-month journey visiting Korean War memorials in all 50 states, to honor and remember those who served in that long ago, faraway conflict, 1950-53, and to help promote peace on the Korean Peninsula. Given the alarming level of tensions in the region today, her mission could not be timelier. Hannah also hopes that her journey will raise awareness about the Wall of Remembrance, the long-overdue addition to the Korean War Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C. The Wall was approved by Congress in 2016.