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The Official Newsletter of the
Shenandoah Valley Chapter #313
Korean War Veterans Association
Volume 11, Issue 07
Paul E. Bombardier,  Editor
July, 2018

DC Memorial Day Event

Monday, May 28th was a special day for Chapter 313. Our Veterans were honored to be in the DC National Memorial parade again this year

KWVA 313 Attendees: David Clark, 1st Vice Commander, who organized this day for us. Narce Caliva, Director, KWVA. Lew Ewing, Gen Walker Foundation Scholarship Committee. Jack Keep, KWVA Chaplain. Jim Markley, Jack Kronenberger, Gary Fletcher,  Stephen Culbert, Tiney Jackson, Herbert Taylor, and Josh Morimoto. 

( Ed. Note, Article and photos courtesy of Josh Morimoto, to whom we say thank you very much.)


Members enjoyed lunch before the parade at Sheraton Hotel provided by Gen Walker Foundation.

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