The Official Newsletter of the
Shenandoah Valley Chapter #313
Korean War Veterans Association
Volume 11, Issue 10
Paul E. Bombardier, Editor
October, 2018
September 7th & 8th Fund Raiser.
Commander Ray Ewing and Ed Hill man the table on a misty Saturday morning.
Chaplain Raleigh Watson and Ralph Martin cheerily accepting donations.
September 11th Meeting Highlights.
Col. Ward Nickisch, U.S. Army Ret. addresses the gathering with an interesting review of the procedures for identifying KIA remains returned to the US from various countries, performed during his service period.
Commander Ray Ewing welcomed members
J. Jones and Jack Keep, who are back with us and also Dick Boxwell who has been ill for many months. Welcome back to the Chapter.
A plaque of appreciation was presented to Tim Rickman of Military Vehicles , for his many services to our Chapter at numerous parades.
Also, a Delegation from the Korean “Our Beautiful Church” including the new Pastor Rev. Choon Sik Kim, Gyoungaee Min and Chang Magow were introduced and offered a personal invitation to our Chapter to attend their Thanksgiving Service and Luncheon on Sunday, Sep 23rd.