The Official Newsletter of the
Shenandoah Valley Chapter #313
Korean War Veterans Association
Volume 12, Issue 01
Paul E. Bombardier, Editor
January, 2019
KWVA National Director and past Commander Narce Caliva swears in the newly elected Chapter 313 officers for 2019. Officers elected were: David Clark, Commander; Lewis Ewing, 1st Vice Commander; Donald Everhart, 2nd Vice Commander; Paul Bombardier, Secretary; and Stephen Culbert, Treasurer.
Commander Ray Ewing recognized Robert Shirley with an award as the outstanding Chapter “Member of the Year”, recognizing the extremely hard work he has given throughout the year and stands ready to continue in the future.
Secretary Paul Bombardier receives the Commander’s special award for continuing services to the Chapter.
Newly elected Commander David Clark challenges the members to make a great effort in 2019 to attract new members to the Chapter, especially Korea Defense Veterans.