The Official Newsletter of the
Shenandoah Valley Chapter #313
Korean War Veterans Association
Volume 12, Issue 01
Paul E. Bombardier, Editor
January, 2019
Chapter 313 Annual Meeting & Luncheon Highlights.
On Thursday, December 13th at the Clarion Inn Perkin’s Restaurant in Winchester, Virginia KWVA members, spouses and guests had a most delightful Annual luncheon and meeting. Over 80 members and guests were in attendance. The Chapter received as special guests, Brig Gen. Pyo Se-Woo and his wife Cathy (Kang, Ae-Kyung), and Lt. Col. Park Byoung and his wife. Brig Gen. Pyo discussed the current situation in South Korea and re-iterated a great deal of past history of that country and the conflict. He stressed great appreciation for the sacrifices of all who served in the conflict and stated that the Republic of Korea would never forget. Gifts of appreciation were presented to the Brig Gen, Lt. Col and their wives for their support of our Chapter.

You Have to try these Virginia Apples.

Our special guests from the S. Korea Embassy were recognized.

Flowers for the S. Korea guest Ladies.