The Official Newsletter of the
Shenandoah Valley Chapter #313
Korean War Veterans Association
April Fund Raiser
The first fund raiser of the year was conducted at the Pleasant Valley Walmart on Friday & Saturday April 12th & 13th. Shown here are the first shift on Friday.
Pictured above, Paul Bombardier, Lew Ewing, Ray Ewing and fund raiser Chairman Dick Boxwell.
Pictured below, “Peachie” DeHaven and Herb Taylor, who are being entertained by an unidentified volunteer bagpiper playing ”Honor the Fallen”.
TaeKwonD0 Championship
On Saturday, April 23rd, Commander Dave Clark and 1st Vice-Commander Lew Ewing were invited by the event sponsor, Supreme Grand Master
Byung Kon Cho, to attend the 12th Annual VA. State Governor’s Cup TaeKwonDo Championship event held at the Evandale elementary school. The competition consisted of Competitive floor events, Sparring events and board breaking events by youngsters four years to late teens both male and female.
During the program, Master Cho recognized our Chapter of the Korean War Veterans assn. and as a benefactor of the event, presented us with a check drawn in the amount of $500.00. Commander Clark acknowledged receipt of the check and gave the attendees a brief History of the Korean War and expressed just how proud we are of our close relationship with our Korean friends. Following a delicious luncheon of traditional Korean food, Dave and Lew thanked their hosts before departing.