The Official Newsletter of the
Shenandoah Valley Chapter #313
Korean War Veterans Association
Volume 12, Issue 06
Paul E. Bombardier, Editor
June, 2019
From The Chapter Secretary
Please check page 2 for activities and dues due this month. The Chapter Annual picnic date is set for July 21st, and the cost will be $13.00 per person.
“Peachie” DeHaven is taking final sign-up & payment @ the June meeting. Don’t forget to carry one of the new information pamphlets & KWVA applications with you when you go out. Wear your Korea Veteran hats and keep an eye out for fellow Vets as possible new members.
Greenwood Baptist Church Event
On Friday May 17th, a group of members attended the annual “Veteran” appreciation day ceremony and luncheon sponsored by the church & members
Attending from our Chapter were Commander David Clark, 1st Vice Commander Lew Ewing, Paul Campbell, Paul Bombardier, Dickie Ewing, Carmel Whetzel, Josh Morimoto and Jerry Lunt along with several wives. A very interesting program was presented by Rev Dennis See and members of the congregation.
Member Carmel Whetzel 95, receives gift as Oldest veteran attending from the youngest veteran attending, 41.