The Official Newsletter of the
Shenandoah Valley Chapter #313
Korean War Veterans Association
Volume 12, Issue 06
Paul E. Bombardier, Editor
June, 2019
Tell America Program, May 02, 2019.
On Thursday, May 2nd, a group of seven members of Chapter 313 travelled to the Annual “Living History Day” event at Mercer Middle school in Aldie, VA.
The purpose of this event was to teach the students during four classroom periods of the experiences encountered by the Veterans during their service in the Military and especially in Korea during the War in 1950-1953.
After the sessions were completed, a very nice luncheon was provided in the
school library by the Principal and his staff. Shown above sitting L- R Paul Bombardier & Albert Ullman. Standing L- R Josh Morimoto, Jerry Lunt, Principal Mr. Bob Phillips, KWVA Board member and past Chapter Commander Narce Caliva, Commander David Clark and 1st Vice-Commander Lew Ewing.