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The Official Newsletter of the
Shenandoah Valley Chapter #313
Korean War Veterans Association
Paul E. Bombardier,   Editor
August, 2019
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David Clark

Where has the year gone?  Over half of the year has been past, and this chapter has been so involved in doing parades, going to D.C. for not only the Memorial Day parade but for ceremonies at our Korean War Memorial.  We’ve had good attendance at our meetings and our efforts at fund raising has done well.  Raleigh Watson and his crew have been busy visiting or contacting members in need and knowing they are important.  At our annual picnic, July 21st, we were host to Brig Gen  Pyo Se Woo and his wife Cathy, Lt. Col. Park and his wife, and KWVA Executive Director Jim Fisher.  Recognition was given to Gen Pyo and Jim Fisher for all of their  


efforts on behalf of the Korean War Veterans. Our activities will be less in the upcoming months, but we still will need good attendance at our meetings, members to attend the Shenandoah County Fair on August 29th.  There is always a need to recruit new members for our chapter, and the new Membership Committee will be asking for everyone’s help in growing our chapter.  Our Korean War Veterans Association is facing unknown territory with the resigning of Jim Fisher as Executive Director, so I ask that you put our Association in your prayers.

July  9th Meeting Highlight.
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Guest Speaker Rear Admiral Larry Marsh accepts chapter Challenge coin from    

Commander  Clark after a very interesting review of his Navy career in the submarine service.

Updated June 01, 2019

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