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The Official Newsletter of the
Shenandoah Valley Chapter #313
Korean War Veterans Association
Paul E. Bombardier,  Editor
August, 2019
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After lunch, Ambassador Joon-je Chou had a few remarks, followed by ROK Brig General Pyo expressing his and his country’s thankfulness for all of the sacrifices made in their behalf. 

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Walter Sharp, President of Korean Defense Veterans Association spoke and

the luncheon closed with the Invocation given by Jack Keep, National Chaplain.

 The following comprised the group from our chapter:  Don and Bobbye Netschke; Robert Shirley and Mitzi Churchey; Narce Caliva; Jack Keep; Lew and Mary Jane Ewing; Bill and Jane Bernatovich; Edward and Carol Ringoot; Marshall De Haven; Charles and Miri Savary; Herb Taylor; Brett Osborn  and David Clark.

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              WE GO TOGETHER
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