The Official Newsletter of the
Shenandoah Valley Chapter #313
Korean War Veterans Association
Volume 12, Issue 12
Paul E. Bombardier, Editor
December, 2019
Hitting the Banquet Circuit
During a four day period in late October, members of our Chapter #313 had the opportunity to enjoy some outstanding food and fellowship at three events sponsored by our Korean friends.

On Saturday evening Oct. 26th, Chapter #313 members Dave & Beverly Clark, Lew & Mary Jane Ewing, Don Everhart & Josh Morimoto accepted an invitation from the members of the Culpeper Korean Church to attend their 6th annual Korean War Veterans appreciation banquet.
On Sunday evening, Oct 27th, ROK Army General Byung Hyuk Choi, Deputy Commander of the ROK/US combined Forces Command in Seoul, hosted a first class dinner at the Crystal City Ruth’s Chris steak house in Arlington. Attending were General Choi, General Pyo, other members of the General’s staff.
Chapter #313 members attending were Paul Campbell, Rob Shirley, Narce Caliva and Lew Ewing.
On Tuesday, Oct. 29th, eight of our members travelled to the Marriott Fairview Park hotel in Falls Church to attend a luncheon sponsored by the Republic of Korea National Assembly.

Attending from Chapter #313 were Narce Caliva, Lew Ewing, Dave Clark, “Peachie” DeHaven, Jack Keep, Jack Kronenberger, Jim Fisher and Raleigh Watson.
The speaker was Wonjin Cho, Co-Chairman of “Our Republican Party” who stressed the importance of the ROK/US Alliance. He and other members of his group were very outspoken about the grave human rights violations committed against Park Gyun hye, the past president of the Republic of Korea who was impeached, removed from office and sentenced to prison where she remains to date.