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The Official Newsletter of the
Shenandoah Valley Chapter #313
Korean War Veterans Association
Volume 13, Issue 01
Paul E. Bombardier,  Editor
January, 2020
December Meeting & Luncheon.

(Cont. from pg. 1.)


The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Sgt. at Arms, Robert Shirley, followed by the Invocation and blessing given by Chapter Chaplain Raleigh Watson.  

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Bud Boyce and family members

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Donald and Doris Jones.

Two of our members who find it difficult to attend our monthly meeting were in attendance: Donald & Doris Jones and members of his family, and Bud Boyce with members of his family. It was good to see them again and we were able to wish them well.

Major General Pyo gave a short talk, telling a little about what is happening at this time in Korea, a little about his personal life, but foremost how much he appreciates the actions of the Korean Veterans.

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He pointed out that 2020 is the 70th anniversary of the start of the war, and that they were planning numerous events in D C, and that they would provide the transportation.  Commander Clark reinforced this message by first thanking everyone who participated this year, but stressing that in 2020 there would be more events for the Chapter to attend.

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Like previous years, The buffet selections were very numerous and tasty.

 (Cont. on pg. 4.)

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