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The Official Newsletter of the
Shenandoah Valley Chapter #313
Korean War Veterans Association
Volume 13, Issue 01
Paul E. Bombardier,  Editor
January, 2020

(Cont. from pg. 3.)

Following the meal, there was a brief business meeting, which included the presentation of a slate of officers for the year 2020 by Nominating Committee Chair, John Kronenberger. Receiving no additional nominations from the floor,  the following members were declared elected: David Clark, Commander; Ernest E. Hill, 1st Vice Commander; Stephen Culbert, 2nd Vice Commander; Lewis Ewing, Treasurer; Paul Bom-bardier, Secretary. The installation of officers was conducted by Narce Caliva, former Chapter Commander and at this time a National Director of KWVA.

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Following the installation, Narce Caliva  announced that he planned to run for the 2nd Vice Presidents position on the National KWVA.  He stated that at this time there was a lot of turmoil existing at that level and he feels that he might be able to bring some stability to that situation.  Commander Clark stated that this was a real crisis for the Association and that when the election is held next year, he’d suggest that the members support Narce.

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Lawrence and Margaret Clowser.
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Billy and Linda Scott.
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 Samuel and Mrs. Higgens


(Cont. on pg. 5.)

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