The Official Newsletter of the
Shenandoah Valley Chapter #313
Korean War Veterans Association
Volume 13, Issue 01
Paul E. Bombardier, Editor
January, 2020
(Cont. from pg. 3.)
Following the meal, there was a brief business meeting, which included the presentation of a slate of officers for the year 2020 by Nominating Committee Chair, John Kronenberger. Receiving no additional nominations from the floor, the following members were declared elected: David Clark, Commander; Ernest E. Hill, 1st Vice Commander; Stephen Culbert, 2nd Vice Commander; Lewis Ewing, Treasurer; Paul Bom-bardier, Secretary. The installation of officers was conducted by Narce Caliva, former Chapter Commander and at this time a National Director of KWVA.

Following the installation, Narce Caliva announced that he planned to run for the 2nd Vice Presidents position on the National KWVA. He stated that at this time there was a lot of turmoil existing at that level and he feels that he might be able to bring some stability to that situation. Commander Clark stated that this was a real crisis for the Association and that when the election is held next year, he’d suggest that the members support Narce.

Lawrence and Margaret Clowser.

Billy and Linda Scott.

Samuel and Mrs. Higgens
(Cont. on pg. 5.)