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The Official Newsletter of the
Shenandoah Valley Chapter #313
Korean War Veterans Association
Paul E. Bombardier,   Editor
February, 2020
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David Clark

In the Graybeard magazine will be a ballot for the selection of next year’s officers for our Association.  It is imperative that we elect those individuals which will ensure the continuation of the Korean War Veterans Association.  There is a small cadre at this time that has plans, which if initiated could lead to the demise of this Association.  You’ve heard me speak to this concern several times.  In the recent Graybeard, our President Paul Cunningham and our Secretary Alves Key both spoke of the danger we face.  Lewis Vaughn, a former Director has been sending our communications listing the dangers and even making suggestions on who would be best to be elected for this coming year.  I’ve emailed these communications to everyone who has email, but we


need to reach out to everyone on this most important election.  Mr. Vaughn has recommended that a vote for Alves Key, President, Tim Whitworth, 1st Vice, Narce Caliva 2nd Vice, Bill Lack, Marilyn Bretz, Paul Cunningham as Directors.  We need not only to vote ourselves, but if you know of anyone who is a member of another chapter to pass on this information. I, can’t emphasize enough the importance of this election.

 I wish to thank everyone who attended Charles Hoak’s funeral, as we had a great number and Ms. Hoak was well pleased with our showing how much Charles meant to this chapter.

This is the 70th year of the start-up of our war, and will present many opportunities to recognize its importance.  Here’s hoping that as the opportunities present themselves, we will have a goodly number of members participating.

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Updated February 01, 2020

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