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Updated April 01, 2020


The Official Newsletter of the
Shenandoah Valley Chapter #313
Korean War Veterans Association
Volume 13, Issue 04
Paul E. Bombardier,   Editor
April, 2020
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David Clark

We find ourselves in another war, this time it is a virus.  One that is extremely dangerous to us, especially those of us who are older. I believe that our Federal government is doing everything possible to reduce this danger.  For us, it means following their instructions to the letter, be aware of your environment, wash your hands, try to stay away from crowds, and on and on for success. 

Due to the severe situation caused by the coronavirus, the decision has been made to cancel all Chapter activities for the month  


of April. This Includes the Board of Directors meeting, Chapter monthly meeting and the two fund raisers April 17th and 18th.  Your health is more important than collecting money.  Will keep you informed about the month of May.  David Clark, Commander.

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