The Official Newsletter of the
Shenandoah Valley Chapter #313
Korean War Veterans Association

The KWVA National Convention was held in Las Vegas, NV October 10-13. Our representatives to the National Board, National Secretary and past Chapter #313 Commander “Lew” Ewing and Board member and past Chapter #313 Commander Narce Caliva, and Charles Hoak attended this event
Commander's Comments
(cont. from page one)
This is only achieved and sustained with sound leadership and the continued support of our general membership. There is more than just a few that can take the helm and represent our chapter with honor. Please assist us with your skills. Contact the nomination committee, Steve Culbert, Charles Hoak and Herb Taylor. The chapter is dependent upon your willingness to be an active member.
Please mark your calendar for the chapter Christmas dinner that will be held on 13 December. Specific details will be made available at our 8 November chapter meeting. Best wishes to all and please think safety and be safe.

Doing a good job here is like wetting your pants in a dark suit. It gives you a warm feeling, but nobody notices.
Member Profile
Thomas (Tom) Muller
(Editor's Note: "Tom joined KWVA and the Chapter in August of this year.)

“Tom” retired as a Master Sergeant in December 1985 in Wausau, WI. after serving twenty-four years in the U.S. Army, most of the time in Supply. Tom served three different tours in Korea.
The first tour was 1961-1962 in Wonju. with the 17th Infantry, Company D, (Rifle)
The second tour was during 1967-1968 in Pusan with the 142nd Military Police company.
His third tour was during 1974-1976 in Seoul in Supply with the Second Engineer Group.
After retiring from the service, Tom spent twenty-one years in the Federal Civil Service. He finally retired for the second time in April 2007. Tom has been married to his wife Michelle for forty-eight years.
Well done Tom, and welcome to Chapter #313.