The Official Newsletter of the
Shenandoah Valley Chapter #313
Korean War Veterans Association

Honor Flight-Top of Virginia Oct 15th
Excursion to Washington, DC.
By Chapter 313 Member Hal Miller
I was honored to participate in the first Honor Flight-Top of VA trip from Winchester to the war memorials in Washington.
We gathered at the VFW post in Berryville, where we were welcomed royally and fed a good breakfast.
Our bus was then escorted by a motorcycle group beyond the Virginia Greenway toll road.
Our first stop was the noon changing of the guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldiers and the Honor Flight-Top of VA placed a wreath at the tomb. From there, we stopped at the Air Force Memorial, then on to the World War II Memorial. A group picture was taken, which should be on the Honor Flight web site. www.honorflight-tov.org. We then stopped at the Korean War, and Vietnam War Memorials and the Lincoln Monument. At each stop, we were
individually greeted and thanked by many of the visitors at each stop.

Wayne Strother, 84, of Winchester, visits the Korean War Veterans Memorial on Saturday in Washington, D.C. Strother was an Army medic and served in Korea for 17 months. He was one of 20 WWII and Korean War veterans on an Honor Flight trip to Washington. (Photo by Christopher Earley /The Winchester Star)
When returning to Berryville, the Enders Fire Co. had most of their equipment at the curb, with lights flashing, to honor us as we rode by. We were greeted at the VFW by a ladder truck extended over the road with an American flag mounted. We were also greeted by a good crowd and then enjoyed a buffet. I encourage each of you to take advantage of this trip to experience the gratitude shown to the veterans of our nation.
The Mystery Member of the Month Found on page 5 is:
Lt. Ira Fred Haymaker