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The Official Newsletter of the
Shenandoah Valley Chapter #313
Korean War Veterans Association
Lewis M. Ewing, Editor
December 2016
Annual Meeting and
Election of Officers

     Please remember and plan to attend the Dec­ember meeting of our Chapter when we will hold our Annual Meeting and we will be install­ing new officers to lead our Chapter for the calendar year 2017.

     Our Commander, Don Netschke, will be presiding over his final meeting and will deliver his "State of the Chapter" report. We want to thank Don for serving as our Commander this year and, more importantly, congratulate Don and Bobbye on their upcoming wedding. Our wish for them is a long and happy marriage as they  begin their  new life together.

     In keeping with our Chapter Bylaws, our Elect­ion Committee, chaired by Steve Culbert, has nominated the following slate of officers to serve during 2017:

Commander - Ray E. Ewing

1st Vice Commander - Joshua T. Morimoto 2nd Vice Commander - David E. Clark Secretary - Paul E. Bombardier

Treasurer - John J. Kronenberger

     We wish to thank each of these members for agreeing to step up and serve in these positions on our Leadership Team for 2017. I would remind you that prior to the election on Dec­ember 13th, the Chairman will accept nominat­ions from the floor for all of the open positions. Our new Commander will be appointing Direct­ors to fill any vacancies on our 10 member Board of Directors plus he will be appointing Chairmen to head our Committees, so if you are asked fill any of these positions, please be ready to say YES! Of course, if you have a favorite position you want serve in, please let the Commander know


Rev. Raleigh Watson

Again this year, as we approach the Christmas season, I imagine that many of you will be doing as I do each year. We will be thinking of Christmases many years ago, when we were away from  home du­-

ring the blessed season, or

making a very rushed and complicated trip to  be with our families for a short time.  Let us  keep in mind those who are facing that situat­ion this year - members of our armed forces in faraway  lands, away from families and friends.

      I ask that you pray for their safety, and keep in mind the reason we celebrate this season - the birthday of our Savior, Jesus Christ. Please keep Christ in Christmas and have Him as your primary focus, in spite of all the commercialism that competes with the real meaning of this most holy season.

During the holiday season, please keep our Chapter members in mind, and perhaps make a phone call to those who cannot be out and around  in particular, please remember:

Millard Pippen - home phone 540-667-1876

Charles Boyce -  cell phone    304-263-0811

James Berry -    cell phone     540-533-2000

Bud Robertson - cell phone    540-877-9132

Don Jones -        home phone 540-869-1958


Richard Clark   December 26, 2016

Millard Pippen  December 26, 2016

When you are dissatisfied and would like to go back to your youth, think of Algebra .

© 2016-2021 by KWVA - Shenandoah Valley Chapter 313

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