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The Official Newsletter of the
Shenandoah Valley Chapter #313
Korean War Veterans Association
Lewis M. Ewing, Editor
April 2016

TO:            Mrs. Earl C. Fletcher

                 Bayfield, Wis.

                 R-1 Box 263     USA

From:       Cpl. John Funkhouser

                 APO #133 % PM

                 NEW YORK NY

                 May 15, 1945

Dear Sis,

     Just a line tonight to let you know I am well and happy to know the war over here has ended at last. I hope the other one is over soon. Maybe I will get home then. I was in Paris when this one ended, and boy what a time the people went wild. I had a swell time & sure hated to leave, but you know the work must go on.

     How is things back on the farm? I guess you have plenty of work! I was in "Callesville" last night it is a pretty nice town. We fellow had any time to spend there we only had a few minutes there. Well I guess I had better bring this to a close and get some sleep. For I have to get up early in the morning. So write real often, and give me all the news.

With love                           


the March newsletter of them driving home to Independence was in the same car that he drove when he passed away, which was in the garage behind the house. It was either a Chrysler or a DeSoto, I just can't remember. Oh yes, Margaret's piano was in the living room. The home was very modest but the tour was interesting."

Jack Kronenberger     


     As a follow-up to the story in the March issue of the Chapter Chatter, Jack Kronenberger sent me the following note.)

     "My wife and I had the opportunity to visit the Truman home in Independence a number of years ago. Their home was directly across the street from the President's In-Laws residence. The National Park Service has a Ranger on duty and she was very informative. The Trumans were not wealthy. In fact, the kitchen had wanes coating on the walls painted a hideous green color, and the linoleum had a big hole in the center of the kitchen floor which had tacks all around the perimeter of the hole that was about 10 to 12 inches around. The picture is of Harry and Bess in

Commander's Comments (Cont from page 1) 

it's sky and seas. If you don't have a membership application available acquire their name, phone and address. This will be used for follow-up contacts.

     I will close out by offering my thank you to the membership for its dedicated support and wish you good health an happiness. See you at the next meeting.

Don Netschke, Commander     


Can you guess the name of this Member of our Chapter?

(The answer is found on page 7)

Mystery Member

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