The Official Newsletter of the
Shenandoah Valley Chapter #313
Korean War Veterans Association
Joseph E. (Ed) Clevenger, Jr.
Joseph Edward Clevenger, Jr. was born (at home) in Stephens City, VA on 30 May, 1928 to his parents Joseph E. Clevenger, Sr. and Rachel Ophelia Clevenger. His was a normal, happy, active childhood that was centered around his family and his Elementary and High School activities at the old Stephens City School complex.

Ed Clevenger
Following graduation from high school in 1946 Ed worked as a mechanic and automotive mechanist in Winchester. In December 1948 he enlisted in the US Army Air Corps where he received his basic training at Sheppard AFB, TX. This was followed by Technical School at
Chanute Field in Illinois. Upon graduation from Tech School as an Instrument Mechanic he was sent to Japan and assigned to the 374th Troop Carrier Squadron stationed at Tachicawa AFB (near Tokyo). Soon after the Korean War began, the Squadron was transferred to the Island of Kyushu to be closer to the Korean Peninsula. It was relocated a number of times between Itazuke, Ashia and Fukuoka as the situation in Korea dictated.
In August 1952 he was returned to the US and assigned to the 3527th Maintenance Squadron at Williams AFB, AZ. This was a short stay until he was honorably discharged as a S/Sgt in September 1952.
He was discharged in AZ on a Friday and attended his first class at the University of Virginia on the following Monday morning. He was enrolled in the School of Engineering and completed his studies in four years with a Bachelor of Electrical Engineering (Electronics) degree.
Shortly after graduation he was married and later had two sons, Joseph E Clevenger III, (who died at age 28) and Andrew Cristopher Clevenger who
now lives with his wife Charlotte and his granddaughter and grandson in Raleigh, NC.
Following graduation he stayed on at UVA in their Research Lab for two years after which he accepted a job with Sperry Marine Systems, Charlottesville. In 1967 he and two other Engineers left Sperry and formed a new company, Ridge Electronics, Inc. to develop and manufacture radars for use on small fishing and pleasure boats. The new company progressed nicely until a massive fire finally caused its demise in 1977.
After the loss of his company and a divorce in 1975 he started a new life by marrying Helen Cetti, who is still the love of his life, and moving to Fairfax, VA and a new job with Melpar Division of E-System, Inc. Helen, also by a previous marriage, had a son James and a daughter, Verna Marie (Sissy), who gave them another granddaughter.
Ed retired as an Engineering Manager in June 1993 and later moved to Farmville, VA in 1996. After 17 years there he and Helen decided to return to Ed's hometown area in 2013 and settled in Autumn Glen near Stephens City, VA.
Richard Boxwell
Stephen Culbert
Tony Bucaloy
Bud Robertson
Bob Patterson
Jim Markley
Jerry White
Ed Marshall
Lawrence McNealy
Edwin Sharp
Bud Boyce
May 5, 2016
May 5, 2016
May 8, 2016
May 11, 2016
May 12, 2016
May 16, 2016
May 16, 2016
May 23, 2016
May 28, 2016
May 28, 2016
May 29, 2016
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