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The Official Newsletter of the
Shenandoah Valley Chapter #313
Korean War Veterans Association
Paul E. Bombardier, Editor
June, 2017


Jun 3  "All Veterans" breakfast at the Golden Corral. Be seated by 8:15 am.


Jun 6 SVC-313 Board of Directors meeting at Macedonia UMC Room 201 @ 9:00am.

Jun 13 Chapter #313 Monthly member meeting @ Post 21 American Legion. Lunch @ 1:00 pm. Meeting @ 2:00 pm. "Rocky" Harder, guest speaker MIA/KIA topic..

Jun 16 Friday Fund Raiser @ Walmart on Tasker Rd & Rt 522 8:00 am - 6:00 pm. Summer uniform.

Jun 17 Saturday Fund Raiser @ Walmart on Tasker Rd & Rt 522 8:00 am - 6:00 pm. Summer uniform.

Jun 23 Friday 65th Anniv. ceremony @ DC Korea War Memorial. Meet bus @ 7:00 am. Walmart Tasker Rd. & Rt 522. Class "A" uniform.

Jun 25 Sunday Reading of the Fallen @ DC Korea War Memorial 11:00 am. Class A uniform.


Paul E. Bombardier

The month of May began with mild and cooler weather. Heavy rains moved in during “Apple Blossom” week and threatened to wash out the Firemans’ parade.

  However, Jack Kronenberger said “We will Parade” and parted the clouds. The skies cleared just in time, and all went well. See Pages 4-5 for the picture story.

 !!!! Remember !!!! Save the Date:

    July 23rd.   CHAPTER PICNIC

         @ Jim  Barnett Park.


Rev. Raleigh Watson

Again, things have been quite stable for a while. Doug Purnell was in the hospital the early part of May with pneumonia, and is home now, but says he must get his strength back.

 Doug is in good spirits, but a phone call to him would be thoughtful. Bud Robertson is pretty much confined to his home, with oxygen full time and some other medical problems. Bud always seems to be upbeat and appreciates a short phone chat.

 Here are some of our comrades who are on our current concerns list, who would really appreciate a call – even a short one. Please call one of these:

Millard Pippin –       home – 540-667-1876

Charles Boyce –         cell – 304-263-0811

John Moreland –     home-  540-550-8199

Leonard Laconia –  home - 540-667-1716

Don Jones –            home – 540-869-1958

Bud Robertson –        cell – 540-877-9132


Ray Goff                   Jun     01,1934

Bill Mills                   Jun     06,1930

Donald Netschke     Jun     10,1932

Jack Lewis               Jun     10,1934

Tony Bencivenga     Jun     16,1929

Earl Gillenwater      Jun     22,1931

Dick Boxwell            Jun     22,1932


John Kronenberger Jun     04, 2017

Ed Ringoot                Jun     06, 2017

Ralph Martin Jr        Jun     15, 2017

Bill Mills                    Jun     16, 2017

Jack Lewis                Jun     17, 2017

William Grupe           Jun     21, 2017

John Moreland         Jun     22, 2017

Donald Westfall        Jun     30, 2017

© 2016-2021 by KWVA - Shenandoah Valley Chapter 313

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