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The Official Newsletter of the
Shenandoah Valley Chapter #313
Korean War Veterans Association
   Volume 10 Issue 6
Paul E. Bombardier,  Editor
June, 2017


Members Attending from Chapter #313 are L-R:

On Thursday, May 4th, five of our members travelled to Marine Corps Base Quantico to participate in the Dedication Ceremony for the new “Chosin Few” Battle Monument Honoring the veterans who fought and those who perished at the Chosin Reservoir area after being surrounded by 120,000 communist troops and being

outnumbered 20-1. U.S. forces suffered 12,000 casualties and over 3,000 killed. Despite these losses, they fought their way back to the Port of Hungnam and along with almost 100,000 North Korean civilians, were evacuated to South Korea.

KWVA National Chaplain Jack Keep.

The principal speaker was the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Marine Corps General Joseph F. Dunsford Jr. whose father Joseph F. Dunsford Sr. carried a Browning Automatic Rifle (BAR) with the 5th Marine Regiment while fighting at Chosin. The entire ceremony was very impressive with many members of the “Chosin Few” (the survivors of the battle) in attendance, including one of our members, Hal Miller, who is a veteran of the battle at the “Chosin Reservoir” while serving with the Marines.

KWVA National Secretary Lew Ewing, KWVA National Chaplain Jack Keep, Charles Hoak,  “Chosin Few” survivor Hal Miller KWVA National Board member and Narce Caliva

The “Chosin Few” Battle Monument, following a long series of delays for assorted reasons, was dedicated in a ceremony held in the “Medal of Honor” theater at the National Museum of the Marine Corps in Quantico, VA. The Monument is in a park adjacent to the Museum along with many other monuments, memorials and plaques.

Veteran Marine Corps Sgt. Who was with the 5th Marines Nov/Dec 1950 @ the “Chosin”.

Article/Photos provided by Lew Ewing and Charles Hoak.

© 2016-2021 by KWVA - Shenandoah Valley Chapter 313

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