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The Official Newsletter of the
Shenandoah Valley Chapter #313
Korean War Veterans Association
Volume 10, Issue 7
Paul E. Bombardier,  Editor
July, 2017

  Post Parade Wreath Laying & Rose Ceremony  

Jack Keep, KWVA National Chaplain and James Fisher, KWVA National Executive Director opening the Memorial   Ceremony. Rev Keep offered the Opening Invocation. 

Chapter 313 member Anthony J. Bencivenga, received his Korean “Ambassador for Peace” Medal, from Brigadier General Pyo, Se Woo, who is the Defense Attaché at the Embassy of Korea. This medal is for service in Korea during the period August 3, 1951 to July 8, 1953.

  Tony was trained as a Medic and was assigned to the 49th Truck Company, 3051st Transportation Group in Korea. He served as a Medic the entire time he was with this company, and did additional duty as a truck driver. One of Tony’s assignments was to drive President Eisenhower’s attachés, when the President visited Korea after he was elected president in 1953.

  During the wreath laying ceremony, KWVA members teamed with Korean personnel wearing “formal” Korea costumes to lay a rose on one of the 21 nations that provided combat troops or medical support and lost personnel in Korea during the War.

Escorting Korean Ladies with Roses.

 Waiting to set the roses.

Article & photos courtesy of Josh and Charles

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