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The Official Newsletter of the
Shenandoah Valley Chapter #313
Korean War Veterans Association
Paul E. Bombardier,  Editor
   November, 2019
Korean Ambassador’s Farewell Reception
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KWVA Shenandoah Valley Chapter #313 participated in the October 2nd Reception for Ambassador Cho Yoon-je who is returning to the ROK.  The reception was held at the Ambassador’s residence, and there were many people there to honor the Ambassador.  Paul Cunningham, President of KWVA presented a book to Ambassador Cho entitled “Monument Wars” by Kirk Savage, with a note saying “Please accept this modest gift as a token of friendship and of the esteem with which you are held in the minds of our KWVA members.  We hope, as you read this book, it will evoke fond memories of your sojourn as the Republic of

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 Korea’s Ambassador to the United States.”  The book was gift wrapped in the traditional style and as their rules of etiquette dictate, it was presented with both hands.

As usual, we were received very graciously and were thanked for our service.  Everyone enjoyed the sumptuous serving of traditional Korean cuisine and American food.  Deserts were fabulous.  Great evening had by all.

11 Chapter #313 members who travelled to D C,  for Ambassador Cho’s reception included: Narce Caliva, Lewis Ewing, Ray Ewing, Charles R. Ewing, Gerald Lunt, Robert Shirley, Steve Culbert, Josh Morimoto, Don Netschke, Jim Fisher, and David Clark.

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