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The Official Newsletter of the
Shenandoah Valley Chapter #313
Korean War Veterans Association
Volume 12, Issue 12
Paul E. Bombardier,  Editor
December, 2019
November Meeting Highlights. 
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Winchester-Frederick County Historical Society board member, and guest speaker Gene Schultz speaks to our members about the origins of the WW1 memorial plaques and tree plantings on Handley Blvd to memorialize the Veterans who died in the Great War to end all Wars.

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Above are samples of several plaques that were placed on the curbside of Handley Blvd many years ago.

2nd Official Notice of Annual Chapter Meeting & Election

Pursuant to the Chapter By-Laws, Article 5 section E, notice is hereby given to the KWVA Chapter #313 membership per the following instructions:


(30 days prior to the annual elections, the secretary shall submit to each officer and member, and this newsletter mailed to each member of the Chapter constitutes an official notice of the annual meeting and an agenda for this Chapter meeting). This meeting will be held Tuesday Dec. 10th at the Clarion Inn  in Winchester, VA. A Buffet Luncheon will be served at 1:00 pm @ a cost of $10.00 per member and spouses or significant others, and an abbreviated meeting will be held at 2:00 pm with the nominating Committee opening the floor for officer nominations and election, followed by the installation of the new officers for 2020.


    Those members who do not wish to attend the luncheon, may at their option, attend the meeting at 2:00 pm in order to vote. Sign up and payment to “Peachie”  DeHaven, should have already been made.  

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