The Official Newsletter of the
Shenandoah Valley Chapter #313
Korean War Veterans Association
Volume 13, Issue 10
Paul E. Bombardier, Editor
October, 2020
On Friday, September 18th, the dept. of Defense paid tribute to our POW and MIA and their families at a ceremony on the lawn outside the Pentagon during their annual POW/MIA Remembrance ceremony.

Speaking at the ceremony were USAF Gen. John E. Hyten, the Vice-Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and the keynote Speaker was Deputy Defense Secretary
David Norquist. They each expressed their respect and admiration for our fallen heroes and their families and commended the DPAA for their efforts to recover and identify the remains of our fallen.
They both stressed the point that we will continue todo everything possible to bring all of them home, and we will never forget them and their sacrifices.
One of the family members attending was Col. Rick Dean (USA Ret'd) whose father is still listed as missing while serving in Korea. Over the years, many of our members have gotten to know Rick who is serving as the Vice-Chairman of the "Wall of Remembrance" Committee. Rick has always been a strong supporter of our Chapter.
Although 217 remains (140 from WWW2 and 72 from Korea, and5 from Vietnam) were identified this year, over 81,000 still have not been identified.
In our Chapter, three of our members were POW's in Korea. Ed Reel, a POW for 34 months, James Berry, a POW for 33 months, and David Mills, a POW for 6 months.
Unfortunately, Ed Reel and James Berry are now deceased while David Mills lives in Middletown, PA. We are extremely proud of each one of them. They truly are American Heroes.

Pictured above are Chris and Yousung Largent.
Yousung is an associate member of our Chapter and on many occasions she brings some very interesting surprises with her to our meetings.
Last year, she brought with her a young lady from Korea who presented our Chapter with a very substantial contribution. She stated that it was a gift from a group of young people in Korea and stressed that the gift was in thanks to all of our Korean War Veterans for our efforts in helping save their country from Communist aggression during the war. She also stated that the funds were only to be used for the benefit of our members.
Also, Yousung frequently brings some very delicious dishes to supplement the meals provided by the American Legion ladies. At our September meeting, she brought some outstanding Bulgogi with rice. If you did not taste it, you missed a treat.
Yousung is a talented "Potter", and last year she brought us some very beautiful coffee mugs with the American Flag on the side of the cup.
On many occasions, she brings her two young children with her. However, she brought her husband Chris, whom she met when he was serving in Korea a number of years ago. We thank Yousung for all that she has done for us, and we thank her for her dedication to our Chapter. Also we thank Chris for attending, and we invite him to join us.