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The Official Newsletter of the
Shenandoah Valley Chapter #313
Korean War Veterans Association
Lewis M. Ewing, Editor
October 2016
September Meeting Program
              Honor Flights

We were pleased to have with us at our September 13th Chapter meeting,three rep­ resentatives for the Honor Flight -Top of Virginia program to tell us about their efforts to provide opportunities for our local WW II and Korean veterans to go to Washington, DC to visit our memorials. The Honor Flight prog­ram is fully funded through contributions from Corporations and individuals to honor our vet­erans who would not have been able to see the memorials otherwise.

     We met our speakers at the Mission Bar-8-Q restaurant in August when a group of our mem­bers attended their Veterans Appreciation pro­- gram.

     The speakers, Dan Fines and Dianne Klopp, who are the Co-Founders and Co-Presidents for the local group, informed us that they have scheduled an Honor Flight (Bus) trip to Washington on October 15th that will be composed primarily of WW  II veterans although they have reserved seats on the bus for five (5) Korean War Veterans and companions on a first-come­ first-served basis. They emphasized the fact that this is not the only trip they are planning. They are scheduling a second trip next spring and another  next fall.

      Anyone interested in participating in any of these Honor Flight trips to Washington, please contact Dianne Klopp at 571-213-0048 (office) or 540-305-6563 (cell) or you can reach her by email at .

     This is a great opportunity for any of our members who have not seen these unbelievable memorials to participate in an all expenses paid trip to Washington, DC.  


Rev. Raleigh Watson

"Bud" Robertson is not as mobile as he'd like to be, due to being on oxy­ gen full time now. He cannot get to our meet­ ings very easily, so - if he cannot come to us-I hope some of you will visit him at his home in Shawneeland. Call him first to make sure it is convenient 

and to get directions. James Berry has had some serious "ups" and "downs" lately as he was hospitalized fighting pneumonia.  Fortunately, the antibiotics took hold and he is off the oxygen and is now feeling much better and he is back home with his dau­ ghter. As always, he would appreciate a phone call - his cell: (540) 533-2000.

Also, Paul Campbell is recuperating following a fall where he broke one of his elbows.

Others who would appreciate a phone call are: Millard Pippin     540-667-1876

Charles Boyce     304-263-0811

Bud Robertson    540-877-9132

Don Jones            540-869-1958

Honor Flight representatives, Susie Fines, Dan Fines and Dianne Klopp

© 2016-2021 by KWVA - Shenandoah Valley Chapter 313

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