The Official Newsletter of the
Shenandoah Valley Chapter #313
Korean War Veterans Association
Thanks to the hospitality of our good friends at Our Beautiful Church, members and guests of our Chapter participated in the annual Korean Thanksgiving Day service on Sunday, September 18th.
The service was led by Pastor Peter Chong with three of our members, Josh Morimoto, Edgar Tufts and Jack Keep participating. Edgar told us about one Thanksgiving Day he experienced while in Korea - how his unit was pulled back from the front lines to a reserve area. There he was treated to his first warm shower, clean clothes and an abundance of warm, cooked food that he had had in three months - it truly was a wonderful Thanksgiving Day!
Following the sermon by Rev. Chong,with his daughter, Rebekah, serving as his interpreter, and some beautiful music provided by the Church Choir, we again were treated to some delicious Korean food, including Kimchi.
Our Chapter is indeed fortunate to have such a great relationship with our Korean friends and we appreciate all that they do for and with us.
Commander's Comments (cont from pg 1)
Our Chapter has established itself as one that can be depended on to represent the KWVA in Washington and the Commonwealth of Virginia.
It is also noteworthy that our Chapter is represented at the national level with Past Commander, Lew Ewing as Secretary, Past Commander Narce Caliva as a Board member, and Rev. Jack Keep as Chaplain. They bring honor to our Chapter and represent the character of our Chapter.
Again I wish to thank every member who has been responsible for bringing a new member

into our fold. At the beginning of this year, a 100 member target was established and
achieved. Our membership chair, Steve Culbert announced that our job is not done.
He is encouraging the membership to continue recruitment until we reach 120. This is do-able if we continue to ask the question, "Are you a veteran and did you serve in Korea". Please continue the great job that you have been doing.
Reminder - please bring in your paperback books and periodicals for our veterans in the hospital. Be proud of what you have done for our nation and our Chapter. Think safety and stay healthy.
Donald Netschke, Commander
From the Editor: I think that everyone has enjoyed trying to guess the name of our Mystery Member of the month, however, my inventory of photos taken of members when they were younger, in uniform, is almost exhausted. Please share an old photo of you with me. I will return it after I make a copy of the photo. Thanks.
The Mystery Member of the Month Found on page 5 is: