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The Official Newsletter of the
Shenandoah Valley Chapter #313
Korean War Veterans Association
Lewis M. Ewing, Editor
October 2016


We are pleased to welcome five new members who have joined our Chapter recently.

Two other new members, Billy Evans and Tom Muller will be featured in the November issue of our newsletter, after we have a picture and brief bio for   them.

MARILYN BREMILST - Marilyn is the wife of Robert Bremilst and they live on Greenwood Road in Frederick County. She is a veteran of the USAF, serving in 1976-81 as a Cryptographer and a Teletype Operator. Marilyn and Robert moved to this area in September 2014. They have two children and one grandchild. She is an Associate Member of our Chapter.

ROBERT BREMILST - Robert and Marilyn joined our Chapter on September 19th. He served in the USAF in 1969-71 in an area overlooking the DMZ in Korea where he worked as a Crypto­ grapher. In recent years he has worked in various jobs in the construction industry. He and Marilyn are members of St. Jude Church.

ROMUALD NICKLES - Romie served in the US Navy in 1954-58 with the Atlantic Fleet as a Radioman. As a civilian, he has worked as a Engineer and Technician at Johns Hopkins, the Taylor Institute and Baltimore Gas and Electric. He is a very talented musician, playing the Harmonica,  Drums and Keyboard.

XAVIER STEWART - Xavier is a retired U S Army Brigadier General and holds numerous degrees including a Ph.D., M.S.S.,and M.Ed. He is a principal in Stewart & Associates, a Company that concentrates on Combatting Weapons  of  Mass  Destruction, Homeland Security  and  Defense, and  Education and Training.   Xavier  is an Associate  Member of our Chapter.

KERMIT STROH - Kerm is a veteran of the US Army, serving in Korea in 1953-54 with the 6th Helicopter Company. Kerm and Lew Ewing were tent mates in Korea and have renewed their friendship in recent years. Following Korea, Kerm (who is now retired) and his Dad operated a very successful Propane Gas business in Wapakoneta, Ohio until he sold the business a few years ago. Kerm and his wife, Mary Ellen, live in Lima, Ohio and he is the #1 fan of the Bowling Green University football team.

© 2016-2021 by KWVA - Shenandoah Valley Chapter 313

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