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The Official Newsletter of the
Shenandoah Valley Chapter #313
Korean War Veterans Association
Lewis M. Ewing, Editor
March 2016
Arthur N. (Art) Jolliffe

    Arthur (Art) Jolliffe, 84, a lifelong resident of Winchester/Frederick County died on February 1, 2016. Art was born in Winchester on September 23, 1931, the youngest son of Laurence Van Horne Jolliffe and Ethel Baldwin Jolliffe.

    Art graduated from Handley High School in 1951 and then enlisted in the Navy and served aboard the destroyer USS Bole in 1952. He became a member of our Chapter in September, 2008 and was very active until his declining health would not allow him to participate any longer.

    Art was an employee, partner and later the owner of Johnston's Jewelry Store fom 1962 until his retirement in 1998. He was a member of the Gemologist Institute of America.

    Art had a long history of volunteer service to his community including the Winchester Medical Center, the American Cancer Society, the Winchester-Frederick County Historical Society, Gainesboro Fire and Rescue Company, and the Rouss Fire Company. He served as President of the Frederick County Fireman's Association and was a life member of the Cumberland Valley Fireman's Association. He was the Junior Chamber of Commerce Man of the Year in 1965, past President of the Gainesboro Ruritan Club and a past member of the Round Hill Ruritan Club and also was Zone Governor of Ruritan National. He was a member of Braddock Street United Methodist Church.

    Art is survived by his wife, Margel, his daughter, Jenny Powers and her husband, Dr. David Powers, and one grandson, Arthur "Nick" Powers. Funeral services were held on February 5, 2016 conducted by our SVC-KWVA Chaplain, Rev. Raleigh Watson.


the excellent attendance at his service. As I mentioned at his service, I am reminded of something I frequently mention to my congregation and hope you won't mind my putting in this column. I urge that you speak to your clergyman and make some tentative plans for your own service. So often, people put this off, and families are in the dark as to what one desires. It is a tremendous relief to a family to have this planned in advance. Hymns, type and place of service, and clergy may be decided ahead of time - doing so is a real favor to your family. Just a few basic decisions can ease the load for a grieving family at a difficult time.

     Our committee continues to function well, trying to keep in contact with our sick members, but would appreciate your calling or visiting also.

     In particular:

James Berry - cell phone - 540-533-2000

Charles Boyce - cell phone - 304-263-0811

Or, any of those on the sick list!

Raleigh Watson, Chaplain 


Sadly, our ranks have thinned a little further since our last issue of the Chapter Chatter, with the death of Art Jolliffe. Thank you to those of you who visited Art. He and his family were most appreciative of our Chapter's response to the call for visits, and the family also for

Raleigh Watson

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